Saint-Gobain Weber Thailand continued launching "4th years of Weber boxing championship"

Refer to very good awareness feedback of a boxing championship last year, Saint-Gobain Weber (Thailand) continued launching a boxing championship with the theme of “4th years of Weber Boxing Champion”. The objective is to increase our brand awareness and strengthen our leadership. This boxing program on channel 3, Time is 12:15-14:00. Thai boxing is a national classic sport and very unique. We will create “4th year of Weber Boxing Champion” for following objectives; • Bring good image and brand awareness increased • Educate advantages of tile adhesives and tile grouts and new categories of waterproof and wall preparation products • Why select Weber


Hiring is a key process at Weber: we look for people, not only for profiles, and we look for people who have long-term career prospects in our company.

The way Weber manages the careers of people is to seek for the personal and professional development of people, consistent with the needs of the company.